El 16 de enero se cumplen 15 años de la muerte de
Hans Pietsch, tenemos la costumbre de no olvidar y más con las circunstancias que rodean su muerte (no dista de ser una imprudencia por resistirse a un asalto en un país violento y más en una zona desamparada) al estar en "misión" de difundir el Go. Con el fin de recordarle, en esta ocasión comparto unas 13 partidas que jugó
Sorin Gherman en una liga de insei a las cuales él hizo los comentarios:
La siguiente partida es entre Sorin Gherman vs Lee:
PW[Sorin Gherman]PB[Lee]C[Game commentary by Hans Pietsch ( http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Hans%20Pietsch ), A class insei at that time, later promoted until 4 dan pro).
(;W[qo]LB[kl:B][qn:A]CR[qo]C[White should try to get sente here with A (R6) and play at B (L8). See the variation diagram.]
(;B[ne]LB[km:A]CR[ne]C[Should be at A (L7).]
(;W[pb]LB[jl:A]CR[pb]C[White should play at A (K8) instead.]
;W[lm]CR[lm]C[It's better for white not to play the exchanges that followed in the game if he plans to invade the left side.]
(;B[bh]LB[dk:A]CR[bh]C[Black should play at A (D9) instead and let white connect underneath, this should be enough for him.
The game commentary ends here.]
;W[dr]CR[dr]C[Subsequent moves omitted. White won by resign.])
(;B[dk]CR[dk]C[Give a little, but keep the lead.]))
(;B[km]CR[km]C[Most important point, at the junction of both white's and black moyos.]))
;W[kl]CR[kl]C[Very important strategical point.]))
La siguiente partida es entre Sato vs Sorin Gherman:
PW[Sato]PB[Sorin Gherman]DT[1994-12-10]EV[insei league, B class]PC[Igo Kenshu Center, Chiba, Japan]C[Game commentary by Hans Pietsch ( http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Hans%20Pietsch ), A class insei at that time, later promoted until 4 dan pro).
(;B[de]LB[ce:A]CR[de]C[Too mild here: black should better play keima kakari with A (C15).]
(;B[ko]LB[jq:A]CR[ko]C[Should attack everything with A (K3).]
(;B[lo]LB[hq:A]CR[lo]C[It's bigger to block at A (H2) instead.]
(;B[lq]LB[kr:A]CR[lq]C[At A (L2) is not only bigger, but is also attacking white.]
(;B[eg]LB[cb:A]CR[eg]C[Black's potential is not so big anyway: should go for profit with A (C18) instead.
The game commentary ends here.]
;W[ic]CR[ic]C[Subsequent moves omitted: white won by resingn.])
(;B[cb]CR[cb]C[Go for profit: the center is not so big anymore.]))
(;B[kr]CR[kr]C[Attack and make profit.]))
(;B[hq]CR[hq]C[Bigger than M5.]))
(;B[jq]CR[jq]C[Most severe attacking move: black aims to kill every white stone in the area.]))
(;B[ce]CR[ce]C[With more substance.]))
La siguiente partida es entre Norman Chadwick vs Sorin Gherman:
PW[Norman Chadwick]PB[Sorin Gherman]DT[1995-02-19]EV[insei league, C class]PC[Igo Kenshu Center, Chiba, Japan]C[Norman Chadwick was the oldest insei at that time: he was almost 40. He's a Canadian, and he had already been an insei for at least 3-4 years at the time I came to Japan. There was no age limit for non-Asian inseis. For Asians, the age limt it 18.
Game commentary by Hans Pietsch ( http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Hans%20Pietsch ), A class insei at that time, later promoted until 4 dan pro).
;W[mj]CR[mj]C[This goes a little bit too deep, it's risky.]
(;B[mg]LB[li:A]CR[mg]C[Too vague: should punish white's deep invasion with A (M11).]
;B[kj]LB[mh:A]CR[kj]C[Exchanging this for white A is quite painfull for black, but no other move was suggested: black doesn't seem to have much choice here.]
(;B[ch]LB[ei:A]CR[ch]C[Should be at A (E11) instead. See the variation diagram.]
(;W[fd]LB[eh:A]CR[fd]C[White can and should play more aggresively, at A (E12). See the variation diagram.]
;B[cn]CR[cn]C[Black is ahead after this move.]
(;B[bq]LB[pn:A]CR[bq]C[Very small, and is also not sente: white is safe without answering.
For these reasons, black should better answer honestly at A (Q6).]
(;B[np]LB[no:A][oo:B]CR[np]C[Not good, it gives white the chance to create complications with A (O5): better play at B (P5) to get into the center and keep the 2 white groups separated (and also keep the game simple).]
(;W[mo]LB[no:A]CR[mo]C[White should hane at A (O5) and try to encircle black.
The game commentary ends. here.]
;B[er]CR[er]C[Subsequent moves omitted:])
(;W[no]CR[no]C[Severe: encircles black and connect own groups together.]))
(;B[oo]CR[oo]C[Simple, proper move.]))
(;B[pn]CR[pn]C[Very big, normal move.]))
(;W[eh]CR[eh]C[Severe. Black cannot cut...]
;W[ge]CR[ge]C[Black cannot capture white's corner stones.]))
(;B[ei]CR[ei]C[Correct shape.]
;W[ff]CR[ff]C[Black is sente now and will play now something in the lower-left corner (no particular move was suggested).]))
(;B[li]CR[li]C[Severe attack.]))
La siguiente partida es entre Sorin Gherman vs Takekyo Isamu:
PW[Takekyo Isamu]PB[Sorin Gherman]DT[1995-06-24]EV[insei league, C class]PC[Igo Kenshu Center]C[Takekyo Isamu ( http://www.nihonkiin.or.jp/player/htm/ki000377.htm ) is now (2002) pro 2 dan. He also used to live at the Igo Kenshu Center as an insei.
Game commentary by Hans Pietsch ( http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Hans%20Pietsch ), A class insei at that time, later promoted until 4 dan pro).
(;B[cq]LB[ge:A]CR[cq]C[Black should play at A (G15) instead, to prevent white from building a big moyo on the upper side.]
(;B[dq]LB[bp:A]CR[dq]C[Should hane at A (B4) instead.]
(;W[eq]LB[ep:A]CR[eq]C[Should be at A (E4).]
(;B[ho]LB[kp:A]CR[ho]C[Should be nozoki at A (L4) instead.]
(;B[cm]LB[dm:A]CR[cm]C[Should be at A (D7) instead.]
(;B[ge]LB[fj:A]CR[ge]C[Should push at A (F10).]
(;B[dh]LB[cj:A]CR[dh]C[Should cut at A (C10). White will be able to save his stones in the lower left corner, nevertheless.]
;B[ph]CR[ph]C[This turned out to be a loss for black.]
;W[nb]CR[nb]C[White is ahead now.
The game commentary ends here.]
;W[if]CR[if]C[Subsequent moves not recorded: white won by 1.5 points.])
(;B[fj]CR[fj]C[Push once more.]))
(;W[ep]CR[ep]C[Good style.]))
(;B[bp]CR[bp]C[Better in this case.]))
(;B[ge]CR[ge]C[Big strategical point.]))
La siguiente partida es entre Yamada vs Sorin Gherman:
PW[Yamada]PB[Sorin Gherman]DT[1995-06-04]EV[insei league, C class]PC[Igo Kenshu Center]C[Game commentary by Hans Pietsch ( http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Hans%20Pietsch ), A class insei at that time, later promoted until 4 dan pro).
(;B[mc]LB[go:A]CR[mc]C[Big move, but it's more urgent to play at A (G5) rescuing the black stone and isolating the white stone on the lower side.]
(;B[mk]LB[go:A]CR[mk]C[Should be at A (G5).]
(;B[hc]LB[go:A]CR[hc]C[Again, this should be at A (G5).]
(;B[pf]LB[me:A]CR[pf]C[Should defend at A (N15) instead, much more efficiently.]
(;B[nf]LB[jh:A]CR[nf]C[Should play boshi at A (K12).]
;W[gi]CR[gi]C[White is ahead after this move.
The game commentary ends here.]
;W[be]CR[be]C[Subsequent moves not recorded. White won by resign.])
(;B[jh]CR[jh]C[Good direction of play.]))
(;B[me]CR[me]C[Better defense.]))
(;B[go]CR[go]C[Biggest move.]))
(;B[go]CR[go]C[Biggest move.]))
La siguiente partida es entre Yamada vs Sorin Gherman:
PW[Yamada]PB[Sorin Gherman]DT[1997-07-08]EV[insei league, B class]PC[Igo Kenshu Center]C[Game commentary by Hans Pietsch ( http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Hans%20Pietsch ), A class insei at that time, later promoted until 4 dan pro).
(;B[gd]LB[gc:A]CR[gd]C[Should just retreat at A (G17), which is more likely to become sente. It's also about helping white's stones as little as possible, since black is on the offensive here, white on defensive.]
(;B[qo]LB[qr:A]CR[qo]C[Black can play severely, at A (R2). See the variation diagram.]
(;B[np]LB[os:A]CR[np]C[Should resist with A (P1). See the variation diagram.]
;W[lp]CR[lp]C[The result in the lower-right corner is terrible for black.]
;B[jn]LB[io:A]CR[jn]C[Exchanging this for white's next move, at A (J5) is bad for black: better play nothing here for now.
The game commentary ends here.]
;W[bj]CR[bj]C[Black resigns.])
;B[mn]CR[mn]C[Better than the game for black.]))
;B[rq]CR[rq]C[This is better for black than the game.]))
(;B[gc]CR[gc]C[Proper move.]))
La siguiente partida es entre Sano vs Sorin Gherman:
PW[Sano]PB[Sorin Gherman]DT[1994-03-27]EV[insei league, C class]PC[Igo Kenshu Center, Chiba, Japan]C[Game commentary by Hans Pietsch ( http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Hans%20Pietsch ), A class insei at that time, later promoted until 4 dan pro).
(;W[fe]LB[hh:A]CR[fe]C[Should be nobi at A (H12).]
(;W[hc]LB[hd:A]CR[hc]C[Should be more ambitious, at A (H16).]
(;W[ke]LB[kd:A]CR[ke]C[Should be patient here and play nobi at A (L16).]
(;W[ej]LB[ei:A]CR[ej]C[Correct is A (E11). See the variation diagram.]
(;W[ie]LB[eb:A]CR[ie]C[Black's last move is not a kikashi, white need not defend against it.
If white wants to defend anyway, the correct move is A (E18).
The game commentary ends here.]
;B[ol]CR[ol]C[White resigned.])
(;W[eb]CR[eb]C[This is the locally correct move. though it's not necessary now.]))
(;W[ei]CR[ei]C[Correct shape. Kikashi.]
(;W[kd]CR[kd]C[Correct shape.]))
(;W[hd]CR[hd]C[Correct shape.]))
La siguiente partida es entre Sorin Gherman vs Yun:
PW[Sorin Gherman]PB[Yun]DT[1994-12-10]EV[insei league, B class]PC[Igo Kenshu Center, Chiba, Japan]C[Game commentary by Hans Pietsch ( http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Hans%20Pietsch ), A class insei at that time, later promoted until 4 dan pro).
(;W[ge]LB[gf:A]CR[ge]C[At A (G14) is better in this case.]
(;W[be]LB[ie:A]CR[be]C[Should jump to A (J15).]
(;W[bc]LB[ie:A]CR[bc]C[Again, white should jump out to A (J15) instead.]
(;W[fd]LB[ff:A]CR[fd]C[At A (F14) is better.]
;W[ff]LB[he:A]CR[ff]C[Too painful: white should try to fight with A (H15) if possible.
The game commentary ends here.]
;W[bm]CR[bm]C[Subsequent moves not recorded. Black won by 2.5 p.])
(;W[ff]CR[ff]C[Correct shape.]))
(;W[ie]CR[ie]C[Vital point.]))
(;W[ie]CR[ie]C[Running into the center is very important in this kind of fights.]))
(;W[gf]CR[gf]C[Better than the game.]))
La siguiente partida es entre Sorin Gherman vs Takekyo Isamu:
PW[Sorin Gherman]PB[Takekyo Isamu]DT[1995-02-26]EV[insei league, C class]PC[Igo Kenshu Center, Chiba, Japan]C[Takekyo Isamu ( http://www.nihonkiin.or.jp/player/htm/ki000377.htm ) is now (2002) pro 2 dan. He also used to live at the Igo Kenshu Center as an insei.
Game commentary by Hans Pietsch ( http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Hans%20Pietsch ), A class insei at that time, later promoted until 4 dan pro).
(;W[lq]LB[ob:A][jd:B]CR[lq]C[Not so severe: it's more urgent for white to defend at A (P18) or to invade black's moyo at B (K16).]
(;B[pq]LB[rq:A]CR[pq]C[Bad style: correct is to hane at A (S3).]
;B[rq]CR[rq]C[There was no reason for black to spend one move here: he was safe anyway.]
(;W[jd]LB[lf:A]CR[jd]C[Bad direction: white should rather get out with A (M14).]
(;W[ph]LB[nf:B][pf:A]CR[ph]C[Bad direction: white should peep at A (Q14) and if black connects, cut at B (O14).
The game commentary ends here.]
;W[pa]CR[pa]C[Subsequent moves not recorded.])
(;W[pf]CR[pf]C[Good direction.]
(;W[lf]CR[lf]C[Good direction of play.]))
(;B[rq]CR[rq]C[Good style.]))
(;W[ob]CR[ob]C[Big defensive point.])
La siguiente partida es entre Sorin Gherman vs Yoneyama:
PW[Sorin Gherman]PB[Yoneyama]DT[1995-06-24]EV[insei league, B class]PC[Igo Kenshu Center]C[Game commentary by Hans Pietsch ( http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Hans%20Pietsch ), A class insei at that time, later promoted until 4 dan pro).
(;B[je]LB[ih:A]CR[je]C[Wrong direction of play: shold be at A (J12).]
(;W[ff]LB[ge:A]CR[ff]C[Should be at A (G15).]
(;W[ii]LB[jh:A]CR[ii]C[Should be kaketsugi at A (K12).]
(;W[jp]LB[lg:A]CR[jp]C[Should push at A (M13).]
(;W[kh]LB[qf:A]CR[kh]C[Should ignore black's move and defend at A (R14).]
;B[qf]CR[qf]C[Very severe.]
(;W[pj]LB[nc:A]CR[pj]C[Should defend at A (O17).]
(;B[ph]LB[of:A]CR[ph]C[At A (P14) is more severe.]
(;W[qn]LB[re:A]CR[qn]C[White should defend at A (S15) and he's ahead (black's many stones int the upper right are not bringing much profit).]
(;W[nb]LB[pb:B][rh:A]CR[nb]C[Should jump at A (S12) threatening B (Q18) next. See the variation diagram.
The game commentary ends here.]
;B[lc]CR[lc]C[Subsequent moves not recorded. White won by resign.])
;W[pi]CR[pi]C[White escapes this way.]))
(;W[re]CR[re]C[Defend. Black is so strong in the surroundings, that invading san-san will almost sure bring damage to white's corner.]))
(;B[of]CR[of]C[More severe.]))
(;W[qf]CR[qf]C[Defend. A black move here would be very tough on white.]))
(;W[lg]CR[lg]C[Build strength.]))
(;W[jh]CR[jh]C[Proper move.]))
(;W[ge]CR[ge]C[Shape move.]))
(;B[ih]CR[ih]C[Good direction of play: black needs to protect his stones in the center first.]))
La siguiente partida es entre Sorin Gherman vs Cho:
PW[Sorin Gherman]PB[Cho]DT[1995-02-26]EV[insei league, C class]PC[Igo Kenshu Center]C[My opponent is Cho Chikun's daughter.
Game commentary by Hans Pietsch ( http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Hans%20Pietsch ), A class insei at that time, later promoted until 4 dan pro).
(;W[qm]LB[hj:A]CR[qm]C[Small: the big strategical point is the ikken-tobi at A (H10).]
;B[lj]CR[lj]C[Bad direction of play: it helps white connect his stones, without making much profit. (No better move was suggested instead).
The game commentary ends here.]
;W[qa]CR[qa]C[Subsequent moves omitted. White won by 15.5 points.])
(;W[hj]CR[hj]C[Strategical point: makes white strong, reducing black's influence in the center.]))
La siguiente partida es entre Sorin Gherman contra un insei japonés:
PW[Sorin Gherman]PB[Japanese insei]DT[1994-03-20]EV[insei league, C class]C[Game commentary by Hans Pietsch ( http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Hans%20Pietsch ), A class insei at that time, later promoted until 4 dan pro).]RE[W+11.50]
(;W[df]LB[bb:A][ed:B]CR[df]C[Bad: white should capture the black stone in the corner directly, with A (B18). That would leave the possibility to get out at B (E16) later.]
(;B[ed]LB[ee:A]CR[ed]C[Bad: black should extend at A (E15).]
(;W[ic]LB[je:A]CR[ic]C[White should play kikashi at A (K15) before connecting.]
(;W[jb]LB[je:A]CR[jb]C[Again, should first play kikashi at A (K15).]
(;W[hg]LB[if:A]CR[hg]C[The correct shape is at A (J14).]
;W[ba]CR[ba]C[White should have played tenuki (= ignore the opponent's move) instead.]
(;W[eh]LB[if:A]CR[eh]C[White should play at A (J14) instead.]
(;W[hh]LB[hf:A]CR[hh]C[Should be at A (H14).]
(;W[qc]LB[oe:A]CR[qc]C[Should be more active, at A (P15).]
(;W[qb]LB[nc:A][pg:B]CR[qb]C[White should press black with A (O17) before attacking at B (Q13). See the variation diagram.]
(;W[nd]LB[pg:A]CR[nd]C[Should be at A (Q13).]
(;W[em]LB[en:A]CR[em]C[Too restrained: white has no reason to be shy here, should go all the way with A (E6).]PL[W]
(;W[gm]LB[qk:A]CR[gm]C[Too slow: white should invade black's right side (at A - R9).]
;W[qq]CR[qq]C[The rest of the game is not recorded. White won by 11.5 points.])
(;W[qk]CR[qk]C[It's time to invade.]))
(;W[en]CR[en]C[Normal, given the white thickness above.]))
(;W[pg]CR[pg]C[Severe pressing move.]))
;W[pg]CR[pg]C[Severe: white is defending very actively.]
(;W[oe]CR[oe]C[More active.]))
(;W[if]CR[if]C[Shape move.]))
(;W[if]CR[if]C[Correct shape.]))
(;W[je]CR[je]C[Kikashi before defending.]))
(;W[je]CR[je]C[Kikashi before defending.]))
(;W[bb]CR[bb]C[Should be directly here.]))
La siguiente partida es entre Sorin Gherman vs Yun:
PW[Sorin Gherman]PB[Yun]DT[1995-07-08]EV[insei league, B class]PC[Igo Kenshu Center, Chiba, Japan]C[Game commentary by Hans Pietsch ( http://gobase.org/information/players/?pp=Hans%20Pietsch ), A class insei at that time, later promoted until 4 dan pro).
;B[bk]CR[bk]C[Very bad move: black indended it to be a kikashi, but it isn't.]
(;W[gm]LB[lm:A]CR[gm]C[Should play at A (M7) to seal black in.]
;W[oj]CR[oj]C[Small: the upper side is very big now, white should play there instead.]
(;W[kc]LB[le:A]CR[kc]C[At A (M15) is bigger than the invasion.]
;B[ee]CR[ee]C[Subsequent moves omited: black won by 3.5 points.])
(;W[le]CR[le]C[Bigger than invading black's upper side.
The game commentary ends here.]))
(;W[lm]CR[lm]C[Natural move: connect own stones and seal the opponent in.]))