La siguiente partida que os muestro, es una de esas pocas partidas que he repetido (hay pocas que me haya puesto con un kifu a recrearlas en un goban). Esta partida se dio en la 7º ronda del 15º Torneo Iberoamericano por Internet entre Fernando Aguilar, jugador argentino bastante conocido en la red (y más aún en Argentina) y Abraham Florencia, un jugador mexicano que llevará las piedras blancas y acabará siendo el ganador del torneo (quitándole por primera vez la victoria del iberoamericano a Aguilar). Desde entonces, la habilidad de Abraham ha ido en ascenso, hasta el punto de que se ha hecho con el primer puesto en diferentes torneos en México.
Ahora, ¿por qué la conozco? La respuesta es rara, porque me la enseñó mi maestro un día, en un kifu apuntado a mano. Y con eso de que es de las pocas partidas que he recreado para estudiar alguna situación, le tengo cariño. Y el resultado es muy ajustado, blanco gana por 0.5.
La partida, como todo ese torneo, se llevó a través de KGS de donde os la traigo para ver.
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[600]OT[25/900 Canadian]
PW[KShirahama]PB[aguilar1]BR[6d]DT[2013-05-18]PC[The KGS Go Server at]C[aguilar1 [6d\]: buen juego
KShirahama [-\]: buen juego
;B[qd]BL[586.702]C[aguilar1 [6d\]: Torneo Iberoamericano por Internet, 7a ronda
;W[dp]WL[575.042]C[wither [3k\]: sounds like a tournament
;B[ic]BL[451.664]C[KShirahama [-\]: gracias
aguilar1 [6d\]: np
;B[oo]BL[137.629]C[wither [3k\]: isnt D13 the set up for that complex joseki?
;W[qp]WL[72.745]C[Architect [2k\]: n6
Architect [2k\]: i think
Architect [2k\]: nop
Architect [2k\]: n5 maybe
;B[mn]BL[875.12]OB[24]C[Architect [2k\]: ok, he goes for n6..
Architect [2k\]: looks risky
Architect [2k\]: aguilar must be considering the cut
wither [3k\]: doesnt seem too nasty since the base group can live easy
wither [3k\]: the rest can run
Architect [2k\]: yep, but b can profit with the running
;B[lo]BL[858.428]OB[23]C[wither [3k\]: apparently he doesnt think its risk a counter cut
Architect [2k\]: yep
wither [3k\]: er worth the risk
Architect [2k\]: now m4 under pressure and b hve the q6 aji
wither [3k\]: pressure. pushing down on white, pushing down on black
Architect [2k\]: looks a balanced position
Architect [2k\]: unless there is some tesuji... i cant read at all
;W[pi]WL[662.371]OW[23]C[Architect [2k\]: cut now?
Architect [2k\]: nvm
Architect [2k\]: cut doesnt work
Architect [2k\]: b will play around g3 area
Architect [2k\]: i think
;B[qg]BL[737.548]OB[22]C[Architect [2k\]: love slow games
Architect [2k\]: haha
;B[fq]BL[704.08]OB[17]C[Architect [2k\]: w must find a sente sequence now
;W[gp]WL[336.827]OW[14]C[Architect [2k\]: f4 looks wrong
;B[go]BL[614.227]OB[13]C[Architect [2k\]: b is a fighter
wither [3k\]: thats no surprise. watch any of aguilars games
Architect [2k\]: i like aguilar.. he is in my fan list
wither [3k\]: he seems to like complexity
Architect [2k\]: hehe
wither [3k\]: well hes the best 6dan to watch. maybe more entertaining than 7dans too
Architect [2k\]: this is from his amashi style... he studied with Iawamoto
Architect [2k\]: he is expert in using aji
;B[gl]BL[576.03]OB[9]C[Architect [2k\]: i dont get moves like g6... i always choose the wrong direction..
;W[fm]WL[52.317]OW[7]C[Architect [2k\]: d8 looks the kind of move that aims e17 stone
Architect [2k\]: if he goes for f8
;B[fn]BL[438.596]OB[6]C[Architect [2k\]: b+time..
;W[hn]WL[22.227]OW[1]C[Architect [2k\]: nice
;W[nq]WL[888.114]OW[23]C[Architect [2k\]: h3 is yose aji
;W[cb]WL[848.292]OW[22]C[Architect [2k\]: f16
;W[eh]WL[487.018]OW[15]C[Architect [2k\]: d17
Architect [2k\]: or d14 first
;B[gb]BL[331.274]OB[6]C[Architect [2k\]: w is lost
Architect [2k\]: he cant f19
;W[id]WL[151.908]OW[6]C[Architect [2k\]: and b will finish in sente
;W[nc]WL[795.835]OW[22]C[Architect [2k\]: ???
Architect [2k\]: why not b9?
antipanda [5k\]: B11 is not an eye
;B[fb]BL[793.373]OB[21]C[Architect [2k\]: b9 make w alive
Architect [2k\]: b9 b8 a9
antipanda [5k\]: yes but B11 is still not an eye
;W[qc]WL[733.754]OW[21]C[Architect [2k\]: lol...
Architect [2k\]: i know
;B[rc]BL[789.381]OB[20]C[Architect [2k\]: this dont change anithing
Architect [2k\]: b9 still make w alive
;W[pc]WL[715.59]OW[20]C[Architect [2k\]: oh no
Architect [2k\]: lol
Architect [2k\]: sorry
;W[me]WL[642.728]OW[17]C[Architect [2k\]: s10... dont get it
Architect [2k\]: looks yose preparation
Cava93 [2k\]: yeah but lost sente :/
;W[je]WL[608.104]OW[16]C[Architect [2k\]: yep.. cuz of that i dont understand..
;B[or]BL[645.706]OB[15]C[Architect [2k\]: and yose preparation again
Architect [2k\]: and make a base too
;B[od]BL[459.497]OB[10]C[Architect [2k\]: s19 is sente now
;B[mc]BL[199.899]OB[6]C[Architect [2k\]: wow
;W[nd]WL[216.167]OW[6]C[wither [3k\]: o18?
Architect [2k\]: maybe b will get a ko now
Architect [2k\]: i think m18
;B[lb]BL[125.719]OB[5]C[Architect [2k\]: man..
Architect [2k\]: game over
;W[lc]WL[181.46]OW[5]C[Architect [2k\]: l19
;W[kc]WL[177.453]OW[4]C[Architect [2k\]: h19
Architect [2k\]: is enough
Architect [2k\]: or n18 first
;W[nb]WL[889.544]OW[24]C[Architect [2k\]: g19 m19 j19
Architect [2k\]: gogo
;W[jr]WL[779.644]OW[20]C[casimiro [6k\]: where is w from?
;W[js]WL[713.398]OW[18]C[wither [3k\]: k1 looks odd to me
wither [3k\]: well i suppose it had to happen anyway
;W[la]WL[900]OW[25]C[Cava93 [2k\]: l2?
;W[ep]WL[665.134]OW[2]C[casimiro [6k\]: b last threat p19?
Cava93 [2k\]: yeah but p19 help white
Cava93 [2k\]: m19 now?
casimiro [6k\]: oops
casimiro [6k\]: it's not a threat
Cava93 [2k\]: ^-^
casimiro [6k\]: it's a trap
Cava93 [2k\]: XD
fivekicker [3k\]: b thinking o19
;B[la]BL[343.232]OB[1]C[wither [3k\]: insanity!
Cava93 [2k\]: e3 and n7 now
;W[mm]WL[900]OW[25]C[fivekicker [3k\]: yes
;B[be]BL[879.641]OB[22]C[Cava93 [2k\]: white 0,5?
;W[dr]WL[884.369]OW[22]C[Cava93 [2k\]: XD
fivekicker [3k\]: fanally
;B[]BL[825.375]OB[14]TW[ra][sa][bb][pb][rb][sb][ac][mc][rc][sc][jd][kd][md][ke][le][ri][si][mj][oj][pj][qj][sj][mk][ok][pk][qk][rk][sk][pl][ql][rl][sl][nm][pm][sm][en][fn][gn][pn][rn][sn][go][qo][mq][kr][mr][ls]TB[pe][ef][dg][eg][gg][hg][ig][pg][bh][ch][dh][eh][gh][hh][ih][ai][ci][ei][gi][hi][aj][bj][fj][ak][bk][gk][al][bl][cl][kl][am][bm][cm][km][an][ln][bo][ap][ar][cr][dr][hr][pr][sr][as][bs][cs][ds][es][gs][qs][ss]C[KShirahama [-\]: gracias
aguilar1 [6d\]: muchas gracias
Cava93 [2k\]: cool game :)
KShirahama [-\]: estuvo compicado crei que perdia, tuve mal inicio..
aguilar1 [6d\]: aluciné en G18
Cava93 [2k\]: uh f17 move?
casimiro [6k\]: hola KS de donde eres?
KShirahama [-\]: hola, de México
casimiro [6k\]: buena partida :)
KShirahama [-\]: gracias
Cava93 [2k\]: two both very good go player
Cava93 [2k\]: ^-^
aguilar1 [6d\]: jugaste muy bien el yose
casimiro [6k\]: debe ser dificil llevar la cuent tan ajustada
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