Buenos días/noches.
Dispongo en mi ordenador de numerosas partidas comentadas en inglés, pero es un inglés bien sencillo hasta el punto de no necesitar un diccionario. Eso o que el único inglés que conozco es el que se usa en comentarios y libros de go. El origen de todas esas partidas la verdad que lo desconozco, no sé ni quien ni donde las realizó (tanto los comentarios como los diagramas en .sgf), yo las conseguí a través de una descarga torrent.
La partida que os voy a poner es entre Park Yeonghun 9p con las piedras blancas y con las piedras negras jugará Yun Junsang 4p (en aquel momento). La partida en cuestión es de un torneo coreano:
GM[1]FF[4]VW[]AP[Many Faces of Go:11.0]
PB[Yun Junsang]
PW[Park Yeonghun]
EV[50th Korean Kuksu, challenger decision match #2]
C[This is the second game from the 50th Korean Kuksu challenger \
decision match. Black is Yun Junsang, 4-dan. White is Park Yeonghun, \
C[The most simple answer. An attachment at X is possible, but more \
C[A joseki, but White can always think about tennuki]
C[Black is trying to use the power of his lower stones. Yun Junsang, \
4-dan has an aggressive playing style and it's not typical for \
him to invade at X, taking territory]
C[The straight pincer at X is possible too]
C[A careful move, but it's probably better to defend at san-san]
C[The largest place on the board]
C[Black may think about the attack around X]
C[I would prefer to extend at X, preventing the attachment]
C[An urgent answer]
C[A good choice. White is trying to defend the marked stones by \
using this joseki -]
C[The plan is interesting -]
C[It would be passive for Black to defend at X -]
C[White has another way -]
C[The ladder breaker is painful for White]
C[White cannot answer -]
C[A good move, reducing White's influence]
C[Too passive -]
C[A huge move]
C[It is always wrong to use influence for making territory. I don't \
like this move, because it has only one purpose.]
C[A dubious plan. It makes Black stronger]
C[A solid answer]
C[Black has a nice wall on the right, so the invasion is easy for \
C[Is it better to defend at X? Black's territory would be smaller]
C[Black got a lot of points here and White's wall is exactly useless]
C[A huge move - more than 15 points in gote]
C[Too deep!]
C[Black reduced White's wall by attacking and now it's hard for \
White to create any territory in the center]
C[Park Yeonghun, 9-dan is really strong at the endgame, but the situation \
is hopeless for him. Black is more than 15 points ahead on the \
C[This is the final mistake. White must play at X, creating some \
territory in the center and putting some pressure on Black's \
C[It's hard to believe, that Black made his territory not far from \
such a powerful wall! We can say, that the game is already over.]
C[It seems, that tennuki is better]
C[The fight would be difficult for White]
C[It is probably better to connect like this, creating a huge wall]
C[White's wall would be perfect]
C[It's a joseki, but now this result would be too comfortable for \
C[This is the wrong direction]